KPI Polyurethane Benefits
KPI Polyurethane Benefits
Product Features (finished product)
- Form and dimensional stability
- Thermal conductivity
- Density of the product
- Compressive strength, tensile strength, impact resistance
- Cell structure, open/closed cell content
- Burning properties
- E-modulus, flexibility and elongation
- Surface hardness
- Moisture vapor and gas permeability
Process Features (during processing)
- Good flowability
- Adjusted reactivity and curing
- Component temperature
- Substrate temperature
- Demoulding time and demouldability
- Easy sprayable, low aerosol formation
- Miscibility
- Wide processing tolerance
Environment Separate and controlled waste management.
Steered by the environmental care system waste sources within KPI are carefully monitored. Waste material, wherever possible is separately stored and removed. This is applicable for waste from the production process as well as from other sources. KPI has dedicated and controlled storage area and removal for chemical waste. KPI endeavors in its production process and formulation of its systems to provide the least possible consequences for the environment.